There is among ancient Egyptian papyrus writings an interesting text by Ipu-wer, in which God is accused of what he has made out of humanity, or has allowed to happen to it. Here follows a brief summary of this accusation.
»Why does he seek to create humans if he doesn’t shun violence?
He is supposed to be a shepherd for all, having nothing bad in his heart.
But his herd is miserable.
Had he only recognized its character already in the beginning, he could have prevented mischief.
Hardened hearts came to be, there is distress everywhere.
He gave the humans no pilot. Where is he now? Is he asleep?
When we got into grief I couldn’t find you,
You couldn’t be reached.
Robbers are everywhere, fear of them is around.
It is larger than of the masses of humans.
Three men walk on a road, then they are only two.
The many slay the few.
Is there a shepherd who loves dying?
It is said that one is loved and the other is hated.
This means that humans are miserable.
This also means that you allowed it to happen
Hence you have spoken lies!
The land is scrubby. The humans are destroyed.
They can no more be called alive.
Oh, would you only feel a little of their distress…«
Translated from:
Gerhard Fecht: Der Vorwurf an Gott in den »Mahnworten des Ipu-wer«, Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, Heidelberg 1972.