A regression experience from ancient Ur

Part 1. See Part 2 here.

(this regression was not done by me)

“R: The main issue is that you lost trust. Ask your Higher Self to take you to the situation that caused this.

D: I am at a river. I am a 30 year old man. It is warm. I have a skirt on. It is 17000 before our time, in Ur, where Iraq is to day. At that time it was Mesopotamia. I see soldiers and public officers in similar uniform skirts. I am one of them.

R: What is happening?

D: There are others in skirts that are similar in style, color and shape, but they are much taller than we. They are over 2 meters (6.5 feet) tall and I am around 1.70 m (5.6 feet), which is already quite tall among my people. I reach to their chest. People are sorted out who are different. I help sorting them. I tell them that they will go to a place where it is safe and nice. The tall ones told me to say that and I trust them. Those sorted out come into a room that is like a cave or a big mouth. I never saw something like that before.
     Then there is smoke, the cave, or what it is, is gone. I am with them and didn’t stay back.

R: Where do you go?

D: They are all excited and I try to calm “my people” down. I am afraid myself. No one among us did something bad to someone? What does all this mean? I wonder if I did the right thing when I supported the tall ones in their-sorting out and convinced the others to travel with us. I have a strange feeling in my belly! It feels so heavy.
     Then that strange mouth opens up again. It is very bright out there. We are no more in Ur. It is a very different place and landscape: lots of rocks, precipices are seen and it is all barren, no green and no trees.
     I am so disappointed! It is supposed to be much better and nicer here? And I helped them with it. How stupid I am!
     I see silvery huts. It is hot inside but there is water in the huts. The tall ones bring food. I have never seen something like that before, it looks square. I don’t know ­– can such stuff be eaten? It tastes nothing.

R: Does it make you feel satisfied?

D: Yes, but you have to drink a lot with it and we didn’t know that. Therefore some get constipation and a few even die from that.
     Then we are taken to work the first time, in a tunnel.
     We are 30-40 persons. I shall guard them. It is no fun. It was much nicer before. Then we worked in the fields. But this work no one of us did before. I don’t like it!
     I feel abused by the tall ones!
     It is suffocating in the tunnel. All become sick. Some are already dead, they have pimples on their skin. The air in the tunnel makes us all sick, so we believe. I am also getting weaker, it got me. I am so disappointed, we were supposed to be taken to a safe place.
     I trusted the tall ones: “They do know more than we?!” I die from lack of air and have a terrible feeling of suffocation. After death it is all calm and it becomes beautifully bright.

R: Take a look back. What was your task in that life?

D: I trusted the others too much. I should have been more careful. That will not happen again to me!

R: Where did you go with that “mouth”?

D: The tunnel was in Israel. We there took uranium and gold out of the mountain. That is why we all soon died with pimples.  It wasn’t the air but the radiation of the uranium.
     My higher self says that the tall ones were not of this world, not of these dimensions. They were with us and we learned much from them. My higher self also tells that the tall ones created us for the work.

R: From what were you created?

D: To day we would say genetic manipulation.

R: Ask your higher self: could these tall ones not take care that the manipulated beings would be suitable for such a work in breaking out uranium?

D: My higher self says that it didnt interest them since they could always make new ones for the work.

R: How did the tall ones get here?

D: A crack, like a hole. Actually they are always here but we cannot see them. They are where they want to be.
     One has to deal carefully with these dimensions. They are further than we are which doesn’t mean that they are better than we are. There are those of one kind and of another kind (and that doesn’t mean good or evil).

R: Is there anything else you should know?

D: No, my higher self says that this is enough for now. It will not be easy to understand.”


As concerns the “tall ones” they will obviously be Anunnaki as can be clearly enough understood when comparing with my book Es begann in Babylon (in German). The “mouth” appears to be a big hatchway for entering a kind of transport ship.


This extract from the regression protocol is published with the permission of the client “D” (who wants to be anonymous). “R” = the two regression leaders.