Texts on reincarnation and regression

Text relating to reincarnation and Christianity

Other texts


A regression experience from ancient Ur.

Continued regression experience from ancient Ur.


Does Psychoanalysis Work? A critical investigation.


Responsible Regression therapy. A manuscript.


What is karma? A systematic discussion for the proper understanding of karma

One of the strongest arguments for reincarnation and karma is the fact that unimaginable numbers of children are born into suffering. Since the Churches have no convincing attempts to explain this special theodicy problem, only reincarnation and karma remain as the so far most plausible and acceptable explanation. (Why?)


The main lesson in the “reincarnation school” for the soul …is love! It has three laws of nature:

1. It must be shown, love that isn't shown is as good as no love 
2. It must flow in both directions through giving and receiving, otherwise it withers 
3. You will not get more love than you give!
Here true love is meant, not possessive dummy-love (which makes the love of the other suffocate). True love is undiscriminating and knows no conditions. Who sets conditions for love merely practices blackmail...


Karl Rahner on reincarnation. Two quotations from the writings of one of the foremost European Catholic theologians.


How many in the West believe in reincarnation? An interesting finding: Reincarnation belief in the West has little to do with “New Age” and alternative ways of living. Results of statistical investigations


Walk-In. What is “Walk-In”? This is not "possession"! The “walk-In” phenomenon could explain some uncommon cases of children who tell about a past life.


Foreign Accent Syndrome. A remarkable evidence for the Walk-In Phenomenon!


Abortion and Reincarnation. A diffult question! A text by Bryan Jameison and Lee Boothby with comments from my experience


Dealing with Attaching Souls and Entities. Handout to my workshop at the Summer School of EARTh in Frankfurt, August 23, 2006


The Healing Power of Reconciliation. Handout to my workshop at the Summer School of EARTh in İstanbul, August 22, 2007. Turkish translation.


Dealing with resistance and Cases of Sexual Abuse. Handout to my Workshop at the Summer School of EARTh in Almancil (Portugal) August 6, 2007.


Can we have been an animal or a plant? Theoretical discussion and extremely rare cases.


Reincarnation: A Critical Examination by Paul Edwards. Read a review of one of the most naïve books ever written on the subject



My book in German: Reinkarnation, Christentum und das kirchliche Dogma (see "Books") has been translated to English. During the translation work I even slightly improved the text. With the approval of the publisher of the book in German, I here make the English text available as a PDF file: Reincarnation, Christianity and the Dogma of the Church – 107 pages in the European paper size A4. The same text on 114 pages in the US paper size ”letter”.
If you have the free Adobe Reader installed, your browser may – depending upon its settings – display the text directly on the screen, or it may give you the option of downloading the file. If you only want to download it now, right-click the title and download the file to your hard-disk.
Because of the size of the file (1.46 MB), it may open slowly on-line (depending on the type of connection you have), and download for later reading may be the first choice.

See also discussions relating to Christianity and the Bible in the section “Regression”.


On the translation of hapax apothanein as “once die” in Hebr. 9:27. This Bible passage is repeatedly stated to be a contradiction to the idea of reincarnation, since it is claimed to show that man would live only once. I have, therefore, studied its meaning here.


New Thoughts about Old Bible Verses. On the Nicodemus discussion, John the Baptist and the man born blind.




Danish court: Church members are allowed to believe in reincarnation


The Chinese will know... They now want to forbid the Tibetans to reincarnate!!!

The original link has disappeared and is now replaced with a new one.


Sexuality and the Bible. Studies in the tradition that relates the “tree of knowledge” to sexuality as an “original sin” with a note about Mary Magdalene and Jesus (for actual reasons) and a hypothesis about a secret history of the Church.



Could a globe in the Universe actually be a hole?


Questions and Answers about Extraterrestrials.


Confessions of an aging god – an important inspired text that I ask you to spread. It was, in a way, “channeled and reflects world history and the actual situation. Here available also as a PDF file. (Last revision July 17, 2012.)


The Christ Mantra if ye will receive it...


Creative Decision. A way to design much in your life (but expensive to abuse)


A Text about Marmas. Marmas are special points on the body, which are very important in Indian medicine

and also martial art. I have an old book about this in Malayalam (the language of Kerala) which was translated for me by a friendly person in India. Here is this text, edited by me (PDF-file).


For those who can read Danish. Three Danish texts are referred to at the end of Texter in the Swedish language section. They are well worth reading, and I especially would like to recommend the books mentioned.


ALUMINUM AND ALZHEIMER!  Read this text on another webpage of mine! Updated April 20, 2012.


Szanowni Gości z Polski, serdecznie witam na mojej stronie!


Further texts are found in the other language sections

Some more of them are planned to be translated to English